Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A quick reminder...

It wasn't too long ago that during Holy Week I spent a lot of time in the church. Sometimes going to a morning service or evening service or even volunteering for the garden watch. With young children the schedule doesn't seem to allow that kind of free time. Beth and I do what we can to get to church during this week, but it can still be hard. I do look forward to the time when Paul and Jack are a little older and they can join us at the Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services, but this year we were happy to bring them on Palm Sunday to see the donkey and begin to understand that this is a time we remember Christ's death and resurrection.

It looks like the weather is helping the Easter celebration this year. These warm temperatures will certainly awaken dormant flower buds. If you have some flowers in your yard don't forget to bring them for the flowering cross at All Saints on Sunday. It will be a crowded morning, but I look forward to seeing everybody in their new Easter outfits and maybe even a few bonnets.

Coming up on April 10 is our next get together at Piedmont Park from 11AM - 1 PM. Plan on meeting up at the playground closest to the lake and pool house. Bring your own snacks or lunch if you like.

If you are traveling for the holiday or spring break I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip.

-Timothy Frilingos

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