Wednesday, March 3, 2010

April 10 at Piedmont Park Playground

After months of silence we have returned to announce our next get together on April 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Piedmont Park playground.

This past weekend I ran through the park and remembered just how nice Piedmont Park is as it transitions from winter to spring. I am hopeful that in a little more than a month trees and flowers will be blooming. I was also reminded of how many new families I have met in the past few months since our last get together. Beth and I have met these families on Sunday mornings during either Holy Baptisms or as we served as Red Aprons in the nursery. Let's make April 10 a time new families and veterans can connect names to faces and enjoy what I know will be a beautiful spring day.

Bring your own lunch and snacks. In case of rain we will send a message out via this blog the day before. Send us a message at if you plan on attending so we can look out for you.

There is a lot of great programming and activities coming up in the next few months so I will probably be posting more often to let you know how you can get involved with the church or highlighting how many of you are already involved on a weekly basis.

For this week:
If you are not subscribed to receive the daily Lenten meditations by e-mail you are missing out on some insightful and moving reflections from All Saints clergy, staff, and parishioners regarding the Lenten Gospel readings. I have noticed that so far many of the entries have been written by members of our group. To sign up or view the meditations online click here.

The wandering minstrels are back in the nursery on Sunday. Between the services (approx. 10:20 a.m.) two 11th graders are providing guitar and voice for the infant to pre-K set. They sing a great selection of songs that feature plenty of moving around. This is done in addition to the Junior Children's Church and Sunday School that is provided (by wonderful volunteers) for 3 & 4 year olds during the 9 a.m. service.

I invite each of you to join the singing between the services if you are not attending an Adult Formation class. You will either need to stay late or come early depending on which worship service you typically attend. It is a wonderful way to share some worship time with your kids. The wandering minstrels should be there every week that Adult Formation is offered.

That is all for now, but I look forward to updating everybody throughout the next few weeks.


Timothy Frilingos

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