Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Next Event:: November 13, 2010

I hope everybody had a happy Halloween.

Our next get together is Nov. 13, and as I mentioned earlier it is a chance for us to help out the All Saints Habitat for Humanity crew by making lunch. Both Beth and I have been able to volunteer a Saturday in October and I know many of you have as well. That lunch break is truly rewarding after swinging hammers and moving lumber around all morning.

The plan will be to have some parents watching the kids on the playground while the rest of us put together the lunches. Please e-mail us at if you are planning on coming. We will need to have everything ready to go by 11:30AM so plan on coming by 10AM. If the weather is too cold for the playground we should have Ellis Hall open. We will probably want some activities or toys for the kids.

Not only do we need help making lunches we need supplies as well. If you can't come Saturday, but would like to donate supplies I can arrange it so you can drop them off during the week. This is what we need (I have been told to provide 40-50 lunches):

Sandwiches (Beth and I will handle these supplies)
Chip Bags: variety packs of the individual bags would be good.
Apples: one a piece (I think gala are the best this time of year)
Drinks:this could be individual bottles of water + sports drink; juice boxes; gallon containers and cups
Dessert: Brownies or cookies (store bought or homemade)
Plates, napkins, baggies for sandwiches and desserts

If you can bring any of those things let me know, and let me know if you will bring it Saturday or if you want to drop it off earlier.

This is a great way to help this house get built.

Also coming up at All Saints:
Fall Festival (Nov 6) and All Saints Sunday (Nov 7) are wonderful opportunities to share in fellowship and worship at the parish.

First Wednesday in December is St. Nicholas Supper and their will be multiple opportunities to give toys and clothing this Advent season. For those of us with older children this is a great way of showing them that giving is a thoughtful way to celebrate the season.

Timothy Frilingos

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