Monday, November 24, 2008


Dear All,

It has been quite a while since anything has happened with our group. Or so it might seem. Actually by my reckoning we have gained six more members in the last two months. It has been a very busy season of births. Beth and I were delighted to welcome little Jack into our lives on October 29, 2008. He joins William Barton, Harrison Deidrich, Charles Pascual, Jane Aiken, and Henry Gragnani. Of course there were more births this fall at All Saints and I hope these new families will join us sometime as well.

With the year rapidly coming to a close we have decided to put off any new events until January. We are working on a date, probably toward the end of the month. I am hoping we can put together a good six months of get-togethers in the beginning of 2009. I will continue to target new families and use this group as a way to get to know young families and the parish as a whole. While we come together based on being young parents all of us represent distinct parts of All Saints and can offer newcomers a way to gain greater engagement in our community.

For December I want to encourage all of you to sign up soon (by November 30) for the St. Nicholas Dinner. This is a festive way to start Advent. I am really looking forward to the children's nativity on the fourth Sunday of Advent this year. We have always been traveling on that Sunday, so this year Paul will get a chance to participate.

I have launched a blog for our group as a way to keep in contact. I will be subscribing you by e-mail so that new posts will be sent directly to your inbox. Be on the look out for a confirmation e-mail in the next few weeks. Continue to send me names of new families to add to our list. I have also added to our blog a list of blogs set up by All Saints families. If you have a family internet page and would like it added send me the link. Soon our blog will be added to the All Saints page and will be a great way for newcomers to get a feel for the type of people who attend our parish.

I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and holiday season. I can't wait to see you all in the new year.

-Timothy Frilingos

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